I saw this on a sign recently and was reminded just hoe true it is.
“Consistency is KEY”
My husband also has a quote he likes when training or triathlon, he heard it from a pro triathlete and it goes something like this, “One great workout doesn’t win a race, twenty to thirty good workouts within close proximity to each other win races”. The idea here is that when you are consistent, you grow.
Once a pastor friend of ours said in a sermon on parenting, “It’s not about the moments, it’s about the momentum”. While we preach the ides of “living in the moment” we should also focus on the momentum of our lives. I am the first one to tell you to not take the little moments for granted; however, when it comes to your mistakes or failures, remember that it’s not about those small moments of sin or shame, it’s about the momentum of your effort and the endurance of your life.
This closely relates to a blog I already posted this month about eating elephants. (If you’re horrified right now check out the past blog here):
The idea from that blog was to do big things one step at a time.
What I’m talking about now is taking those steps within close proximity to each other. If you miss a day a bible study, don’t miss two. If you don’t get a workout in one day because of your kids’ sports schedules, take a breath and maybe a nap the next day, then get back at it. If you look up and realize you haven’t prayed in the last couple days, stop what you’re doing immediately and thank God for being faithful to you even when you aren’t to him. When you snap and raise your voice because you’ve asked “gently” 5 times for your kiddos to listen, take a breath and say a prayer, then have different conversation with your kids. Be honest and tell them how you feel when they don’t listen, then apologize for letting your emotions get the best of you.
Being a parent isn’t easy, being a follower of Jesus isn’t easy, life is hard. We are pretty much guaranteed that in scripture. “In this world you will have tribulation.” John 16:33a. Did you get that? You WILL have tribulation, not you may have tribulation if your kids are crazy. “IN this world” not of this world. We are to be in the world but not of it.
Let’s keep reading the rest of that verse, “But take heart; I have overcome the world”. Jesus has overcome the world, and He can help you through any tribulation. We have to be consistent in Him. We have to abide in him so He can work in us. “Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me”. How do we abide? Abide means to continue in, to remain. Are you seeing the ties to consistency here?
You’ve got this momma. While you will no doubt face times when you fail or mess up, know that Jesus is with you and you have the power to abide. You can stay consistent in your faith and in your parenting and in your life while in this world. Why? Because when society tells you it’s ok, and even cool, to be the messy mom who needs wine to cope with bedtime, and says curse words and is lazy… you are not of this world; you are of Jesus and he has overcome the world.
I couldn't have read this at a more opportune time. Due to massive misunderstandings and lots of ego and pride - my kiddos have chosen to shut me out. I haven't heard from them since August. I've never experienced heartbreak of this magnitude. I was praying over the entire situation and something came over me so deeply and so heavily ... if I feel this way about not hearing from my children and am missing them as much as I am - is this how my heavenly Father feels when I don't speak to and connect with him? I sat there in silence just feeling like such a failure as a child of God. This must be what He feels…