We’ve probably all heard a phrase like “You get out what you put in.” Followed with an analogy that goes something like this: If you have a cup that is full of milk, and you get bumped around and spill your cup, what comes out of the cup? Not tea! Because it was full of milk. Translation? When you are full of worry, stress, anxiety, and snappy tones, that’s what comes out when you get “bumped” right? I do love this visual in regards to abiding in Jesus. Are you “putting in” the cup of your mind scripture and righteous emotions by studying the word and reading other commentaries and studies? Or are you putting in negative emotions and grumpy attitudes by watching The Real Housewives of a city you don’t live in and reading books with characters who are snappy and deceitful? I’m not telling to you get rid of cable completely and through away all books but your Bible. What I’m saying is, is what you are watching and reading affecting your attitude more than you think? When I really started to pay attention to my actions and reactions, they were almost ALWAYS determined by what I recently indulged in.
When we truly abide, we are surrounding ourselves with influences that point to Jesus. The word abide means, “to remain stable or fixed in a state” (Webster). What does that look like? What does it really mean? When the Lord tells his disciples to abide in John 15:4, he is talking about their decisions. We must choose to expose ourselves to him and keep ourselves close to him. If we don’t look to the Bible to shape our thinking, then our culture around us will shape our thinking instead.
Like I said at the beginning of this book, I am preaching to myself here too. I love a good episode of a crime drama. Yep, I’m that lady. Unsolved Mysteries gets me every time. There is also a podcast about a girl that went missing in 2007 in the northeast and at this point, I’m fairly certain that I could find her. How many of you can quote every line from your favorite movie? Now, how many Bible verses do you have memorized? The Psalmist encourages us with his words, “I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.” Psalm 119:11. This is not easy to do. The devil knows that we are called to abide and he makes it extremely difficult to do so in today’s society. He says things like, “One day of skipping your Bible study won’t matter,” and “Sure this tv show has really bad language but you won’t repeat it, and you’re the best mom because you don’t let your kids watch it so you’re doing great,”. He makes things of this world seem way more interesting and important than scripture and time with God. Do you want to be a better mom? Do you strive to be the mother who answers every question with a calm and peaceful reaction? Do you want to be more like Christ? Well, you’ve got to start by learning how Christ acts and reacts by studying him. Spoiler alert, He abided in His Father. You cannot be those things without Jesus. He is the vine and we are the branches, we cannot accomplish anything without Him.
We are creatures of habit and Jesus needs to be our habit. What are you reading? What are you watching on tv? What accounts are you following on Instagram? When we are truly disciples, we WANT to know more about God. We WANT to be as close to Him as we can. However, wanting it is not enough. We have to work for it Momma. We have to make it a priority in our DAILY lives. It will not be easy, but sister it will be worth it. Your children will see a mother who prioritizes time with her Jesus and works for her relationship with the Lord. While you are learning about perseverance and living in the Lord, you will be teaching your kiddos the same principles. While you are filling your coffee cup up with knowlegde and discernment, you might just be filling their sippy cup up with the same thing.
Bible Verse: “Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me” (John 15:4).
Something to think about: What are you abiding in? What is something in your life you allow to influence you regularly that may take focus away from Jesus?
Prayer: Father, show me areas of my life that I have not fully released to you. Reveal to me any content I may be putting in my mind and heart that is not in line with the attitude and emotions you long for me to have. Give me the strength and courage to release anything that you don’t want me to have.
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