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Writer's picturealybeaird

Spring Cleaning

Phew. Is there anything more humbling that cleaning out your garage or attic? When we moved recently, our garage was a disaster zone for approximately 6 weeks.

We spent a Saturday working from 9am to 6pm taking everything out, organizing and categorizing, and putting back in every single item in that garage. In this process we came across things from a storage unit that we forgot existed y’all. We did not have room to keep everything and to be completely honest, we really did not need more than half of what was in that garage.

This whole process made me evaluate what was truly important and meaningful to me. This concept of “decluttering” can apply to our entire life. What is truly important to me? I had to evaluate each item and determine what it meant to me. What was a priority and what wasn’t? What added value and meaning, and what did not? It was initially very overwhelming and stressful and I felt bad throwing some things out, but with some determination, perseverance, and perspective we got through it.

So, in the spirit of Spring-Cleaning season, take some time to “declutter” your mind and heart. Take inventory of the things in life that require your time and attention. This is especially important if you are feeling overwhelmed in life. Maybe your “to-do” list makes you want to “ta-da” and disappear. Maybe you’ve over committed yourself because it’s hard for you to say “no”. Remember, sometimes saying “no” to one commitment is saying “yes” to something else. For example, saying “no” to a volunteer opportunity, might be saying “yes” to more time with your family on that weeknight.

Jesus is a priority, or at least he should be right? So, am I filling my mind and heart and life with time with Him? With scripture? With worship? With stillness with Him? My family is a priority. Am I filling my time with talks and walks with them? Or is social media and Netflix taking up too much room?

There’s nothing wrong with social media and Netflix- I have both. But there is a problem when those things, among others, take time and space away from more important things.

Meditate on 1 Chronicles 16:10-11 “Glory in his holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice! Seek the Lord and his strength; seek his presence continually!”

Seek Jesus constantly and consistently and reap the reward of a deeper relationship with him.

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