Have you ever taken your kids hiking? It’s an adventure at any age. Our family absolutely loves a good hike, preferably with some type of water feature, cave or something insta-worthy. My son loves it, the trails, the mud, the water, all of it. However, we sometimes run into obstacles. Now a down tree is not a show stopper for my husband and me. A big creek is not a game changer in our plan to finish a trail system. That’s because we can see the other side of the obstacle. We can see the path on the other side. My son cannot always see the other side. So he gets nervous, and begins to question the path we are on in the first place. He doesn’t always trust that his Dad and I have a plan and can see what lay ahead on the path we chose for him that day. You see where I’m going today right? To a child, obstacles are really big and scary and they look impossible to overcome. However to the parent, it’s nothing we can’t get him through, over, under, or around.
We can’t always see the full path God has for us. We can’t always see around the obstacle in the road. So, we get nervous, we start to question the path He has us on. You can trust that God has a plan for you and he is in control. There is no obstacle in this universe that He can’t get you through or over, or under, or around. Just like I hold my son’s hand and guide him through the obstacles of a family hike, there is my heavenly Father holding my hand guiding me through the obstacles of life. Trust your Father to lead the way and know He can see around the obstacle.
Bible Verse: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight” (Proverbs 3:5-6).
Something to think about: When was the last time you could not see around an obstacle in life? How did God get you through that experience?
Prayer: Father, help me to remember that you are in control and you can see around the obstacles in my life. Give me courage and strength to trust your plan for my life. Help me to preserver with faith even when I cannot see what lay ahead.