How many times a day do you tell your kids to hurry up? Be honest. When you’re getting them ready for school and you just need them to put their pants on? When you’re dropping them off in the car line and they are moving like a sloth making you feel the pressure from the minivan behind you (who by the way is going through the same thing Momma)? When you are walking to the car after grocery shopping and they just want to mosey their way across the busy parking lot? When you are trying to get them out of the bath tub and to the table for dinner and they just want to touch that bath toy One. More. Time? You get the picture.
Society in general is in a constant state of hurry. We are so focused on getting to the next appointment, location, promotion, and milestone that we often overlook the here and now. Imagine how many little moments we ruin and miss out on because we are trying to get to the next one. The world says hurry up and hustle, but God says slow down and abide in me.
This is a hard one for me personally because I have a very energetic and active personality. The go go go attitude comes naturally to me. It takes work to stop. It takes effort to sit still and just be. Now I'm not saying tht hustling is a bad thing, certinly it can be very rewarding. What I am saying is that I don't think it shoul dbe a constant state.
Let’s try something.
EXERCIZE: Set a timer on your phone for 3 minutes and just sit with Jesus!
If this is new to you, try just a couple of minutes each morning to just sit and listen and be still.
This is one of the most important things you can do with God. Just be with Him. Sit with Him. Abide in Him. The more you practice this with your Heavenly Father, the easier it will be for you to apply it in your life with your children. Next time you hear yourself say “Hurry” to one of your kiddos, stop and think, “do we really need to hurry or am I speeding up a process that doesn’t need to be sped up?”.
Our Heavenly Father parents us with patience and stillness. We should strive for the same with our children.
So next time you feel rushed and you say “hurry”, take a breath and thank God for the moment. This is going to take practice and perseverance, but it is so worth it momma.
I love this quote from C.S. Lewis, “God does not want something from us, He simply wants us.”
Bible Verse: “Be still and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10a).
Something to think about: Did you do the exercise above? If not, do it now. How was it?
Prayer: Father God, give me the patience and perseverance it takes to be still in your presence. Ingrain in me a heart that is gentle and patient so that my children will see a mother who lives in the moment with them and waits on the Lord. Show me what is causing me to hurry through life and give me the tools and wisdom I need to overcome those obstacles.