If you’ve never heard the saying, “bless this mess”, then you probably don’t own a pair of yoga pants either. You don’t drink coffee, and you have definitely never been to a Hobby Lobby. (All total "hot messs mom" stereotypes). This is probably the most common phrase when it comes to trying to manage a household with children. Let's be honest, life is messy, kids are gross and can be uncontrollable, and sometimes the spaghetti pot just has to soak in the sink ... for three days. However, we have become so comfortable as a society of moms to use children as an excuse to not keep a clean house. We use the reality of not having enough time to do everything as an excuse to do nothing. We know our God loves us even if we have a dirty house so we bank on that and keep on keeping on because “momin’ ain’t easy”. Now some of you are reading this going, “oh she’s one of “those” moms. The organized, chore chart-making, label maker having moms”. While you’re not wrong (I will take my label maker to my grave), I don’t want you to think you’re a terrible mom for not being super tidy. I want to remind you of who you are. Your identity is in your Heavenly Father, and your role as a mother of little humans is to guide them to find their identity in Christ one day.
Because this is a “short” devotion, I’ll talk about the number one reason moms out there say they don’t keep a clean home. TIME. We simply don’t have time. While that can be a reality, I want you to do some serious heart checking. This is about to get uncomfortable. You ready? Do you have social media? (Yikes) If you answered “yes”, then Momma you have time. We are just choosing to spend it scrolling instead of scrubbing. I am still working on this one, it's not easy.
Today’s society has completely degraded the role of a Godly woman in the home. We are servants of the Lord first and foremost, but we are also servants of those around us, especially our family. Now today’s culture will tell you, “You do you” and “Be true to yourself” but I am saying that your Heavenly Father wants you to “Be like Jesus” and “Be true to Him”. This is a very controversial topic but isn’t most of Christianity? Aren’t we warned that we will face trials and persecution as followers of Christ? (John 16:33). The good news Momma is that you are not in this alone! While yes, you must take time to fill your cup, (go backa read the Blog "What's in your cup", we can also strive to make our homes a place of rest and comfort for our families. Let’s make our homes a place where we can love our families by serving them and providing them a peaceful and nurturing environment. Imagine Jesus is coming over for dinner. Because guess what. He is.
Bible Verse: “She looks well to the ways of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness” (Proverbs 31:27).
Something to think about: What is your least favorite household chore or task? Write it down. Next time you have to do that task, pray through it and find something joyful in that task.
Example, for me it’s the dishes. I hate doing the dishes with all of my being. My prayer through that task was thankfulness for the food we were able to enjoy on those dishes.
Prayer: Father, give me the desire to serve my family. Let me find peace in the mess and joy in the cleaning. Lord, let me also feel your grace when it’s too much to try to handle on my own. Put women in my life who can encourage me to live more like you and serve my family with a joyful heart.