I don’t know about you, but body image is a very uncomfortable subject for me. I’m actually ashamed at how much I used to, and still at times, think about my body image in a negative, unbiblical sense.
I started to get convicted of this after I heard a couple of women speak on the topic. The Holy Spirit really moved on my heart and revealed to me that this was an area of idolization for me. I was placing an insane amount of importance and attention and unnecessary pressure on what my body looked like, simply out of selfish desires. Society does not make this easy on moms at all. However, that statement alone reminds me of this scripture “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect” (Romans 12:2 ESV).
Transformation is a big word here. How fitting that we usually apply this word to a “before and after” set of pictures with a caption that usually talks about the hard work it took to “get my body back after baby”. Or, begging people to see the “results”. Now look, there is nothing wrong with taking care of your body. In fact, I am a strong advocate for that. However, we cannot let our bodies be something that we idolize. Just like the Israelites built golden statues to worship, they polished and worked those statues until they looked perfect, we are working our bodies and polishing them until we have an idol that is all we care about.
Why do we want healthy bodies? God created us for a purpose, to serve and love him and serve and love others. We need to care for this body he has given us so we can do what he calls us to do (1 Corinthians 6:19-20).
We are called to serve (Galatians 5:13).
That may look like taking care of kids all day at home and we all know that takes a ton of energy! It may look like working in an office and you might be thinking, “I don’t have to be active at my job, in my calling”. I would argue that the mental benefits of a healthy lifestyle would be beneficial to you as well!
When we focus on what our bodies can do for God instead of how they look, or how other people think they look, you are transformed into a vessel that the Holy Spirit can do incredible things through. This momma, is where you can be a real example of a faithful servant to your kiddos. I pray that my kids see a mother who wants to take care of herself so she can do all God calls her to do.
Ask yourself ...

Take inventory of who you follow on social media, what you’re watching on tv, what are you filling your cup with momma? Are you comparing yourself to others or are you trying to be more like Jesus?
We can become distracted with dissatisfaction. When we are dissatisfied or discontent with our bodies we are basically saying “God, the way you made me is not good enough, change me” and we can’t see that calling God has for us.
Let your mind be renewed by God (Romans 12:2). Keep your focus on Him, because when you are looking down at the scale, you aren’t looking up at Jesus.

Here are some scriptural truths for you:
*We are “fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:14).
*We are created “in the image of God” (Genesis 1:26-27).
* We are created By God (Psalm 139:14).
*We are created For God (Ephesians 2:10).
Take care of your body so you can do all that God has planned for you to do!
Here are a few tips and ideas that have helped me stay healthy.
Spiritual Tip: Pray always. Take this concern to God and when you start feeling negative emotions regarding your body image, take them straight to God.
PRAYER: Father, I know that I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I know that you created me in your image. I know that you have a purpose for me. Help me to see and focus on that purpose. Thank you for creating me with this body so I can serve you with it. Transform my mind so that I can be more like you.
Exercise tip: Make your workouts fun!!! Do activities and movement that makes you smile. There are a TON of FREE workouts on YouTube. A few I have recently loved:
Fit By Coach Kel – Barre and Pilates/ Sculpting workouts
Sarah Beth Yoga – Yoga for all levels
Move with Nicole - Pilates / Sculpting
Chloe Ting – VERY short HIIT workouts
Nutrition tip: Cut up fruits and vegetables for easily accessible healthy snacks.
Same with prepackaged nuts and berries for easy grab and go healthy snacks!
Such a fine line to walk between being consistent in taking the time to do all the things to create a healthy body and tint making an idol out of it all. Praying for wisdom in discerning those differences.