If you have little children, or have ever had little children, you know that there are times when you can’t even go to the bathroom alone. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen little fingers slip under the bathroom door. You have probably also experienced trying to eat a snack where your littles can’t see or hear you; for me it’s in the pantry with the door closed. I can’t be the only one who has shoved a giant “roasting size” marshmallow in my mouth to hide it from the toddler running into the kitchen. There are plenty of times when, as mothers, we feel like some little person is constantly following us. We are needed one thousand percent of the time by these little humans God used us to help create.
Someone told me one time, “Well that’s what you sign up for when you become a mother.” While I agree, I also know that we need time to be alone, especially with our Father. Even Jesus went away to be alone with His Father (Mark 1:35). Jesus sought time to be with God. He went out of His way to make sure He had time alone with His Father. Jesus knew how important it was that He spend time alone in the presence of God. He knew that He needed that power to be able to go on in strength and confidence. Your most important mission field is the one you are on with your kiddos. You are raising those little people to be disciples of Christ.
Parenting is not easy. If you find yourself lacking the qualities, or fruit, at times to parent like your Heavenly Father, go be alone with Him. Ask Him to give you that fruit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. We are called to live like Jesus. Jesus had multitudes of people following him around asking for miracles. It’s not quite the same as children following us around asking for snacks on snacks on snacks, but you get the idea. He withdrew to God. Withdraw to God Momma. Find your rest and fill your cup in His presence. Get up, go to a solitary place, and pray. It will cost you. It may be waking up earlier for some alone time. It may be staying up a little later to be alone with God, but the reward is more than satisfying.
Bible Verse: “And rising very early in the morning, while it was still dark, he departed and went to a desolate place, and there he prayed” (Mark 1:35).
Something to think about: When is a good time for you to be alone with God? Try to plan that now. Write it down in your calendar, set your alarm, and ask your spouse or a friend for support and encouragement in this.
Prayer: Father God, open my eyes to the need to be alone with you. Give me strength and perseverance to seek out time alone with you. Make me aware of times I’m putting other priorities in spaces of time that I could be spending alone with you. Fill my cup so that I can fill the cups of those around me, especially my children.