Have you ever noticed that when the lights first get turned off how dark it is? Like you can’t see your hand right in front of your face dark. But, after a while, your eyes start to adjust to the darkness. You start to see a little more and more with each passing minute. You get used to the dark. It becomes not so scary, not so difficult to move, easy to live with.
One night while putting my kids to bed, I turned out the lights and my son said “I can’t see anything!” In an almost panic. I told him to relax and “give it a second, you’ll get used to it and your eyes will adjust in a second”.
Then it hit me, is this how it is with darkness in the world?
It’s scary and hard to live in, but the longer you sit in it, the easier it gets to navigate, you adjust. You start to see a little more and more. You get used to it. It becomes not so scary, not so difficult to move, easy to live with.
May we never adjust to the darkness of this world. May we never get used to it. May it not be easy to navigate. May it always be scary.
This takes intentionality. We must be on guard, especially as parents, against the darkness of the world. Society is and will continue to tell our kids that sin isn’t bad, it’s not scary, and it doesn’t lead to death. We have to be intentional in our conversations and actions with our kids so they see and hear and ultimately know that sin is death and Jesus is life.
Jesus is the light of the world. “Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” John 8:12
In contrast to the darkness, if you flip the light on in a dark room, you can suddenly see things you didn’t know where there. You thought you could see ok in the dark, you thought you knew exactly where the coffee table was in the living room, then you turn on the light and realize it wasn’t where you thought it was. You were in danger.
When we accept Jesus and let Him be our light, we can see so much better. We can see the dangers.
Jesus’ death conquered darkness and now we have the power to conquer it as well!
This is not and will not ever be easy. But it’s oh so worth it.
How do we do this? By knowing what is good. How do we know that? God’s word.
This also takes intentional time spent in the word.
Let this new year be an opportunity to start fresh and stay rooted in the word momma.
“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect” Romans 12:2